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Program Transformation with Reflection and Aspect-Oriented Programming.. GTTSE, том 4143 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 65-94. Springer, (2005)An Advice for Advice Composition in AspectJ., и . SC@TOOLS, том 6144 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 122-137. Springer, (2010)Generating a Generic Fluent API in Java., и . Art Sci. Eng. Program., 4 (3): 9 (2020)Calculation coverage testing in scientific applications., , и . ISSTA, стр. 350-360. ACM, (2015)A Metaobject Protocol for C++.. OOPSLA, стр. 285-299. ACM, (1995)OOPSLA'95, Addendum to the Proceedings: OOPS Messenger 6(4) October 1995.Mostly modular compilation of crosscutting concerns by contextual predicate dispatch., , и . OOPSLA, стр. 539-554. ACM, (2010)Composable user-defined operators that can express user-defined literals., и . MODULARITY, стр. 13-24. ACM, (2014)Resource Cages: A New Abstraction of the Hypervisor for Performance Isolation Considering IDS Offloading., , , , и . CloudCom, стр. 170-177. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Exploiting a Weak Consistency to Implement Distributed Tuple Space., , и . ICDCS, стр. 416-423. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)A Bytecode Translator for Distributed Execution of "Legacy" Java Software., , , и . ECOOP, том 2072 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 236-255. Springer, (2001)