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Measuring Domain Shift for Deep Learning in Histopathology., , , и . IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics, 25 (2): 325-336 (2021)Rapid Assisted Visual Search: Supporting Digital Pathologists with Imperfect AI., , и . IUI, стр. 504-513. ACM, (2021)Should I make it round? Suitability of circular and linear layouts for comparative tasks with matrix and connective data., , , и . Comput. Graph. Forum, (2024)Evaluation of Contrastive Predictive Coding for Histopathology Applications., , и . ML4H@NeurIPS, том 136 из Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, стр. 328-340. PMLR, (2020)The thorny complexities of visualization research for clinical settings: A case study from genomics., , , и . Frontiers Bioinform., (мая 2023)Characterizing Visual Analytics in Diagnostic Imaging., и . EuroVA@EuroVis, Eurographics Association, (2011)Unsupervised Anomaly Detection In Digital Pathology Using GANs., , и . ISBI, стр. 1878-1882. IEEE, (2021)Visualization Challenges of Variant Interpretation in Multiscale NGS Data., , , и . EuroVis (Posters), стр. 107-109. Eurographics Association, (2022)Feature Exploration using Local Frequency Distributions in Computed Tomography Data., , , , и . VCBM, стр. 13-24. Eurographics Association, (2020)Detecting Domain Shift in Multiple Instance Learning for Digital Pathology Using Fréchet Domain Distance., , , и . MICCAI (5), том 14224 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 157-167. Springer, (2023)