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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A parallel intelligent control system and its industrial application., , , , , und . DTPI, Seite 9-12. IEEE, (2021)Pipeline risk big data intelligent decision-making system based on machine learning and situation awareness., , und . Neural Comput. Appl., 34 (18): 15221-15239 (2022)A new deep spatial transformer convolutional neural network for image saliency detection., , und . Des. Autom. Embed. Syst., 22 (3): 243-256 (2018)Imbalanced Text Sentiment Classification Based on Multi-Channel BLTCN-BLSTM Self-Attention., und . Sensors, 23 (4): 2257 (Februar 2023)A tail adaptive approach for change point detection., , und . J. Multivar. Anal., (2019)A New Ensemble Learning Approach for Microcalcification Clusters Detection.. J. Softw., 4 (9): 1014-1021 (2009)A probabilistic approach for solving Poisson equations in computer vision problems., , und . ICPR (3), Seite 737-740. IEEE, (1992)MCs Detection Approach Using Bagging and Boosting Based Twin Support Vector Machine., , und . SMC, Seite 5000-5005. IEEE, (2009)An ALBERT-based TextCNN-Hatt hybrid model enhanced with topic knowledge for sentiment analysis of sudden-onset disasters., und . Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., 123 (Part A): 106136 (2023)Twin support vector machines and subspace learning methods for microcalcification clusters detection., und . Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., 25 (5): 1062-1072 (2012)