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Cooperative Inversion of Winter Wheat Covered Surface Soil Moisture by Multi-Source Remote Sensing., , , and . IGARSS, page 4192-4195. IEEE, (2022)How to Design the Expression Ways of Conversational Agents Based on Affective Experience., , , , , and . HCI (2), volume 12182 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 302-320. Springer, (2020)Constrained Tensor Representation Learning for Multi-View Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering., , , and . IEEE Trans. Multim., (2022)EdgeNN: Efficient Neural Network Inference for CPU-GPU Integrated Edge Devices., , , , , and . ICDE, page 1193-1207. IEEE, (2023)An Efficient Parallel Secure Machine Learning Framework on GPUs., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 32 (9): 2262-2276 (2021)Construction worker hardhat-wearing detection based on an improved BiFPN., , , , and . ICPR, page 8600-8607. IEEE, (2020)Recognition of Pilot Mental workload in the Simulation Operation of Carrier-based Aircraft Using the Portable EEG., , , , , , and . ICHMI, page 43-49. ACM, (2023)AdaptGCD: Multi-Expert Adapter Tuning for Generalized Category Discovery., , , and . CoRR, (2024)A Two-Phase Visualization System for Continuous Human-AI Collaboration in Sequelae Analysis and Modeling., , , , , , , , , and . IEEE VIS, page 101-105. IEEE, (2024)Chest X-Ray Diagnostic Quality Assessment: How Much Is Pixel-Wise Supervision Needed?, , , and . IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 41 (7): 1711-1723 (2022)