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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Study on the relation between image recognition and art counsel using deep learning., , und . SNPD Winter, Seite 276-277. IEEE, (2021)A Study on the Improvement of Fine-grained Ship Classification through Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Networks., , , , , und . ICTC, Seite 1230-1232. IEEE, (2021)Sequential Compression Using Efficient LUT Correlation for Display Defect Compensation., , , , und . ISOCC, Seite 115-116. IEEE, (2020)Region-based tampering detection and recovery using homogeneity analysis in quality-sensitive imaging., , , , und . Comput. Vis. Image Underst., 115 (9): 1308-1323 (2011)Local tone mapping using the K-means algorithm and automatic gamma setting., , und . IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 57 (1): 209-217 (2011)Detecting Re-captured Videos Using Shot-Based Photo Response Non-Uniformity., , , , , und . IWDW, Volume 7128 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 281-291. Springer, (2011)A Comparative Study on the Maritime Object Detection Performance of Deep Learning Models., , , , und . ICTC, Seite 1155-1157. IEEE, (2020)False contour reduction using directional dilation and edge-preserving filtering., , , und . IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 52 (3): 1099-1106 (2006)Anonymous Editing Prevention Method for Depth-Image-Based Rendering Stereoscopic Video., , und . FCC, Volume 301 von Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Seite 401-407. Springer, (2014)X-Net-Based Radar Data Assimilation Study over the Seoul Metropolitan Area., , , und . Remote. Sens., 12 (5): 893 (2020)