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Cache Subsidies for an Optimal Memory for Bandwidth Tradeoff in the Access Network., , , и . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 38 (4): 736-749 (2020)Modeling Routing Protocols in Adhoc Networks., и . CSICC, том 6 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 419-426. (2008)Bandwidth-Delay Constrained Least Cost Multicast Routing for Multimedia Communication., , и . CSICC, том 6 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 737-740. (2008)A novel human mobility model for MANETs based on real data., , , и . ICCCN, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2014)PDC: Prediction-based data-aware clustering in wireless sensor networks., , , , и . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., (2015)Vulnerability analysis of networks to detect multiphase attacks using the actor-based language Rebeca., , , , и . Comput. Electr. Eng., 36 (5): 874-885 (2010)Cost-Efficient Scheduling for Deadline Constrained Grid Workflows., , и . Comput. Informatics, 37 (4): 838-864 (2018)Compositional failure-based semantic equivalences for Reo specifications., и . SAVCBS, стр. 99-100. ACM, (2007)An improved replacement algorithm in fault-tolerant meshes., , и . SCSC, стр. 443-448. Simulation Councils, Inc., (2007)Trusted secure routing for ad hoc networks., , , и . MOBIWAC, стр. 176-179. ACM, (2007)