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Processing data in bits and pieces., , и . IFIP Congress, стр. 375-381. Butterworths, London, (1959)VIEW: an exploratory molecular visualization system with user-definable interaction sequences., , , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 117-126. ACM, (1993)The Computer Scientist as Toolsmith II. Comm.~ACM, 39 (3): 61--68 (марта 1996) -- last visited $19^th$ December 2007.No Silver Bullet --- Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering. IEEE Computer, 20 (4): 10-19 (апреля 1987)The Computer Scientist as a Toolsmith II.. Commun. ACM, 39 (3): 61-68 (1996)The Structure of SYSTEM/360 Part I: Outline of the Logical Structure., и . IBM Syst. J., 3 (2): 119-135 (1964)The Mythical Man-Month.. Reliable Software, стр. 193. ACM, (1975)The teacher's job is to design learning experiences; not primarily to impart information.. SIGCSE, стр. 1-2. ACM, (2012)Redirected touching: The effect of warping space on task performance., , и . 3DUI, стр. 105-112. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Effect of Latency on Presence in Stressful Virtual Environments., , , и . VR, стр. 141-148. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)