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Object-Oriented Conceptual Modelling., и . CISMOD, INSDOC, Bangalore, (1992)A goal- oriented component reuse approach., и . IKE, стр. 505-511. CSREA Press, (2004)A survey of semantic web standards to representing knowledge in problem solving situations., , и . CAMP, стр. 121-125. IEEE, (2012)Object-Oriented Analysis in Practice, , , и . CAiSE, том 685 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 293-308. Springer, (1993)A Knowledge Base for an Information System Design Tool., , и . ISMIS, стр. 56-63. North-Holland/Elsevier, (1987)A semantic support to improve the collaborative control of manufacturing processes in industries., , , и . CSCWD, стр. 433-438. IEEE, (2013)Recherche de composants réutilisables: une approche centrée sur l'assistance à l'utilisateur., , и . INFORSID, стр. 211-227. (2004)RUBIS: Une interface d'aide à la gestion des aspects dynamiques d'une base de données relationelle., , , и . BDA, стр. 171-188. INRIA, (1986)Approach and Model for Business Components Specification., и . DEXA, том 2453 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 628-637. Springer, (2002)Information System Engineering: The RUBIS System., , и . CA(i)SE, том 961 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (1989)