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Multiple Backup Resource Allocation with Workload-Dependent Failure Probability., , und . GLOBECOM, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2020)Load Balancing Model under Multiple Failures with Workload-Dependent Failure Probability., , und . DRCN, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Implementation of Virtual Network Function Allocation with Diversity and Redundancy in Kubernetes., , , und . Networking, Seite 1-2. IEEE, (2021)Resource Allocation in Multiple Backup Modes under Reliability Guarantee with Workload-Dependent Failure Probability., und . CloudNet, Seite 40-48. IEEE, (2022)Robust Function Deployment against Uncertain Recovery Time with Workload-Dependent Failure Probability., , und . CCNC, Seite 802-807. IEEE, (2022)Design of Scheduler Plugins for Reliable Function Allocation in Kubernetes., , , , und . DRCN, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2021)Optimal Primary and Backup Resource Allocation with Workload-Dependent Failure Probability., , und . ICTC, Seite 606-611. IEEE, (2020)Implementation of Service Function Chain Deployment with Allocation Models in Kubernetes., , und . INFOCOM Workshops, Seite 1-2. IEEE, (2022)Implementation of Backup Resource Management Controller for Reliable Function Allocation in Kubernetes., , , und . NetSoft, Seite 360-362. IEEE, (2021)Implementation of Real-time Function Deployment with Resource Migration in Kubernetes., , und . NOMS, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2022)