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Simple and low cost 10 Gb/s coherent transmission for long reach PON., , , and . ECOC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2014)Low-cost 6.25 GHz UDWDM-PON based on direct intensity-modulated transmitters., , , , , and . OFC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2015)Experimental demonstration of a novel polarization-independent coherent receiver for PONs., , and . OFC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2014)A Visible Light localization aided Optical Wireless system., , , , , and . GLOBECOM Workshops, page 802-807. IEEE, (2011)High-power budget OFDM-PON compatible with ultra-narrow channel spacing., , , , , and . ECOC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2014)Non-directed line-of-sight visible light system providing high-speed and robustness to ambient light., , , and . OFC/NFOEC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2013)4×10 Gb/s coherent WDM-PON system over 110 km single mode fibre and with 55 dB ODN power budget., , , , , , and . OFC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2016)Implementation and testing of a ASK polarization-independent coherent receiver for UDWDM-PON., , , , , , , and . ICTON, page 1-4. IEEE, (2015)1.4 mA (70 mV) peak-to-peak drive of 1.25 Gb/s frequency modulated laser for WDM coherent access networks., , , , , , and . OFC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2015)4×10 Gb/s coherent WDM-PON system over 110 km of Single Mode Fibre and with 55 dB ODN power budget., , , , , , and . ICTON, page 1-4. IEEE, (2016)