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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Re-Infrastructuring for eHealth: Dealing with Turns in Infrastructure Development., und . Comput. Support. Cooperative Work., 26 (1-2): 7-31 (2017)Dealing with tight couplings and multiple interactions in complex technological systems., , und . ECIS, Seite 813-824. (2009)A Frugal Approach to Novelty: Patient-oriented Digital Health Initiatives Shaped by Affordable Losses and Alliances., , und . ECIS, (2015)How the 'New' Makes Use of the 'Old': Understanding Reconfigurations of Information Systems and Organizations in the Norwegian Health Sector., und . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2013)Changing Categorical Work in Healthcare: the Use of Patient-Generated Health Data in Cancer Rehabilitation., , , , , und . Comput. Support. Cooperative Work., 29 (5): 563-586 (2020)The Work of Infrastructuring: A Study of a National eHealth Project., und . ECSCW, Seite 205-221. Springer, (2015)Special Section Introduction. Reflecting and celebrating Ole Hanseth's contribution to the IS community., und . Scand. J. Inf. Syst., 36 (1): 3 (2024)Fight risk with risk: reflexivity of risk and globalization in IS., , und . ECIS, Seite 825-835. (2004)Creating a National E-Health Infrastructure: The Challenge of the Installed Base., und . ECIS, (2015)Infrastructural Tuning in Public-Private Partnerships., , , und . ECIS, (2020)