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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Integrating Ethics into the NLP Curriculum., , und . ACL (tutorial), Seite 6-9. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2020)Text Processing for the Effective Application of Latent Dirichlet Allocation.. Cornell University, USA, (2019)Gender-Distinguishing Features in Film Dialogue., und . CLfL@NAACL-HLT, Seite 32-39. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2016)Pulling Out the Stops: Rethinking Stopword Removal for Topic Models., , und . EACL (2), Seite 432-436. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2017)More Than Words: Collocation Retokenization for Latent Dirichlet Allocation Models., , und . ACL (Findings), Seite 2696-2704. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)Quantifying the Effects of Text Duplication on Semantic Models., , und . EMNLP, Seite 2737-2747. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2017)How effective is BERT without word ordering? Implications for language understanding and data privacy., und . ACL/IJCNLP (2), Seite 204-211. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2021)A Creative Improvisational Companion Based on Idiomatic Harmonic Bricks., , , und . ICCC, Seite 155-159., (2012)Automating the Explanation of Jazz Chord Progressions Using Idiomatic Analysis., , , , und . Computer Music Journal, 37 (4): 54-69 (2013)What do Vegans do in their Spare Time? Latent Interest Detection in Multi-Community Networks., , , und . CoRR, (2015)