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Formalisation of a Generic Extra-Functional Properties Framework, и . Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, том 275 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2013)A Visualization Tool for Reverse-Engineering of Complex Component Applications., , , и . ICSM, стр. 500-503. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Ensuring Component Application Consistency on Small Devices: A Repository-Based Approach., и . EUROMICRO-SEAA, стр. 109-116. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)An Advanced Interactive Visualization Approach with extra functional properties., , и . VL/HCC, стр. 267-268. IEEE, (2012)Evil Pickles: DoS Attacks Based on Object-Graph Engineering., , , , и . ECOOP, том 74 из LIPIcs, стр. 10:1-10:32. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2017)Lowering Visual Clutter in Large Component Diagrams., , , и . IV, стр. 36-41. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Antipatterns causing memory bloat: A case study., и . SANER, стр. 306-315. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)An Off-The-Chain Execution Environment for Scalable Testing and Profiling of Smart Contracts., , , , и . USENIX ATC, стр. 565-579. USENIX Association, (2021)On the Use of Static Analysis to Safeguard Recursive Dependency Resolution., и . EUROMICRO-SEAA, стр. 166-173. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Detecting Incompatibilities Concealed in Duplicated Software Libraries., и . EUROMICRO-SEAA, стр. 233-240. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)