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An Extended Sliding Mode Learning Algorithm for Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks., , , , and . ICAIS, volume 6943 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 52-63. Springer, (2011)An Identification Approach for the Data-Driven SIR in the PnP Monitoring and Control Architecture., , , and . IECON, page 5359-5364. IEEE, (2018)Scalable Super-Resolution Imaging., , , , and . SMC, page 3995-4000. IEEE, (2006)Levenberg marquardt algorithm for the training of type-2 fuzzy neuro systems with a novel type-2 fuzzy membership function., , , and . T2FUZZ, page 88-93. IEEE, (2011)The entanglement of control and IT in 21st century: Intelligent systems.. SISY, page 13-14. IEEE, (2017)A sliding mode strategy for adaptive learning in multilayer feedforward neural networks with a scalar output., and . SMC, page 1636-1641. IEEE, (2003)Fuzzy adaptive sliding mode control of a direct drive robot., , , and . Robotics Auton. Syst., 19 (2): 215-227 (1996)Neural Network Closed-Loop Control Using Sliding Mode Feedback-Error-Learning., and . ICONIP, volume 3316 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 269-274. Springer, (2004)Recurrent interval type-2 neuro-fuzzy control of an electro hydraulic servo system., and . AMC, page 593-600. IEEE, (2016)Z-number based fuzzy neural network for system identification., , and . J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 45 (6): 11203-11216 (December 2023)