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Mobility management by basic access network in MIRAI architecture for heterogeneous wireless systems., , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1708-1712. IEEE, (2002)MIRAI: a solution to seamless access in heterogeneous wireless networks., , , и . ICC, стр. 1033-1037. IEEE, (2003)Measurement and usage of power consumption parameters of wireless interfaces in energy-aware multi-service mobile terminals., , , , и . PIMRC, стр. 1090-1094. IEEE, (2004)Prototype of context-based adaptive communication system on seamless networking platform., , , , и . PIMRC, стр. 1070-1074. IEEE, (2004)Development of MIRAI system for heterogeneous wireless networks., , , , и . PIMRC, стр. 69-73. IEEE, (2002)A Service Model of Predictive Maintenance for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles Using 5G., , , и . SSE, стр. 125-127. IEEE, (2023)Novel out-of-band signaling for seamless interworking betweem heterogeneous networks., , , , и . IEEE Wirel. Commun., 11 (2): 56-63 (2004)Metro mobile ring for high-speed and scalable micro-mobility management., , , , и . LANMAN, стр. 151-156. IEEE, (2004)Design and implementation of out-of-band signaling for seamless handover in wireless overlay networks., , , , и . ICC, стр. 3932-3936. IEEE, (2004)Basic access network assisted IP mobility and AAA in MIRAI architecture., , , и . VTC Spring, стр. 1660-1664. IEEE, (2002)