Author of the publication

Autonomous Economic Agents as a Second Layer Technology for Blockchains: Framework Introduction and Use-Case Demonstration.

, , , and . CVCBT, page 27-35. IEEE, (2020)

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Autonomous Economic Agent Framework., , , , and . EMAS@AAMAS, volume 13190 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 237-253. Springer, (2021)Peer-to-peer Autonomous Agent Communication Network., , and . AAMAS, page 1037-1045. ACM, (2021)Trading Agent Competition with Autonomous Economic Agents., , , and . ICAART (1), page 574-582. SCITEPRESS, (2021)A Practical Framework for General Dialogue-Based Bilateral Interactions., , and . EMAS@AAMAS, volume 13190 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 312-331. Springer, (2021)Trading Agent Competition with Autonomous Economic Agents., , , and . AAMAS, page 2107-2110. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, (2020)Autonomous Economic Agents as a Second Layer Technology for Blockchains: Framework Introduction and Use-Case Demonstration., , , and . CVCBT, page 27-35. IEEE, (2020)Dynamic Conflict on a Network., , and . EC, page 655-656. ACM, (2016)