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3D information access space based on multifacet database visualization.

, and . Syst. Comput. Jpn., 37 (8): 13-23 (2006)

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3D Space Framework for the Multi-facet Accessing of Database Records., and . Intuitive Human Interfaces for Organizing and Accessing Intellectual Assets, volume 3359 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 142-158. Springer, (2004)WorldMirror and WorldBottle: Components for Interaction between Multiple Spaces in a 3D Virtual Environment., , and . IV, page 53-61. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Meme Media for the Knowledge Federation Over the Web and Pervasive Computing Environments., , and . ASIAN, volume 3321 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 33-47. Springer, (2004)From Visualization to Interactive Animation of Database Records., and . Discovery Science, volume 1721 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 349-350. Springer, (1999)Spreadsheet-based Framework for Interactive 3D Visualization of Web Resources., , , and . IV, page 65-73. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Information Access Space Framework over Contextualized Information Base., , , and . IV, page 414-420. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Shadows on 3D: Hosting 2D Legacy Applications into a 3D Meme Media Environment., and . Leipziger Informatik-Tage, volume P-72 of LNI, page 401-410. GI, (2005)Integrated Visualization and Reification of Database and Web Contents., , , , , and . WWW (Posters), (2003)Integration of a 2D legacy GIS, legacy simulations, and legacy databases into a 3D geographic simulation., , and . SIGDOC, page 149-156. ACM, (2006)3D information access space based on multifacet database visualization., and . Syst. Comput. Jpn., 37 (8): 13-23 (2006)