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Foreign direct investment, political resentment and the privatization process in eastern Europe, и . CES working paper series Univ., Center for Economic Studies, Munich, (1997)Die Grenzen des Systemwettbewerbs. Münchener wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge Volkswirtschaftl. Fak., Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., München, (1990)Green tax reform and competitiveness, , и . CES working paper series Univ., Center for Economic Studies, Munich, (1998)The pay-as-you-go pension system as a fertility insurance and enforcement device. CES working paper series Univ., Center for Economic Studies, München, (1998)Alternativen zur Einkommenbesteurung. Münchener wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge Univ., München, (1986)The minimum inflation rate for Euroland, и . CESifo working paper series Univ., Center for Economic Studies, Munich, (2000)Kinked utility and the demand for human wealth and liability insurance. European Economic Review, 17 (2): 149--162 (1982)The selection principle and market failure in systems competition. Journal of Public Economics, 66 (2): 247--274 (01.11.1997)Share repurchases, the `new' view, and the cost of capital. Economics Letters, 36 (2): 187--190 (июня 1991)The pay-as-you-go pension system as fertility insurance and an enforcement device. Journal of Public Economics, 88 (7-8): 1335--1357 (июля 2004)