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Reliability analysis of tree, D-tree, X-tree and DX-tree message passing architectures.

, , , and . CATA, page 389-392. ISCA, (1998)

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Multimedia tools for computer-assisted learning in engineering., and . CATA, page 146-149. ISCA, (1999)Application of Process Control for Improving Performance of FMS Systems Using X-Tree Multibus Advanced Parallel Computer Systems., , and . CATA, page 237-240. ISCA, (2004)Generating test cases for a three variable function., , , and . CATA, page 370-373. ISCA, (2001)An Analysis of Software Engineering Metrics in OO Environment., , and . AICCSA, page 492-494. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Productivity Management of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Advanced Parallel Computer Architecture., , and . ICSTM, volume 72 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2000)A Test Case Generator for Three-variable Functions: Object-Oriented Design and Implementation., , , , and . CATA, page 113-117. ISCA, (2004)Performance simulation for faulty hypercube and torus architectures using optimal routing., , , and . CATA, page 303-306. ISCA, (1998)Reliability analysis of tree, D-tree, X-tree and DX-tree message passing architectures., , , and . CATA, page 389-392. ISCA, (1998)Architectural design and performance analysis of a mobile multi-robot system based on a superhypercube multibus architecture., and . CATA, page 194-197. ISCA, (2000)Enhanced reliability simulation and modelling of torus, hypercube and r-tree networks., and . CATA, page 298-301. ISCA, (1999)