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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Distributing a multi-photon polarization-entangled state with unitary fidelity via arbitrary collective noise channels., , , , , , und . Quantum Inf. Process., 14 (1): 361-372 (2015)Two-party quantum privacy comparison with polarization-entangled bell states and the coherent states., , , , und . Quantum Inf. Comput., 14 (3-4): 236-254 (2014)Multilevel quantum Otto heat engines with identical particles., , , und . Quantum Inf. Process., 17 (2): 27 (2018)Mining Indonesian Cyber Bullying Patterns in Social Networks., , und . ACSC, Volume 147 von CRPIT, Seite 115-124. Australian Computer Society, (2014)Advances in Microwave Photonic Beamforming for Phased-Array Antennas., und . ICTON, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2019)Microwave photonic processing of high-speed microwave signals., , und . ICTON, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2016)Stimulated Brillouin scattering based microwave photonic signal processors., und . ICTON, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2017)Neuronal uptake and intracellular superoxide scavenging of a fullerene (C-60)-poly(2-oxazoline)s nanoformulation, , , , , , und . Biomaterials, 32 (14): 3654-3665 (2011)Advances in Microwave Photonic Signal Processing and Sensing., und . ICTON, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2020)High-resolution integrated microwave photonics-based sensors Invited Paper., und . ICTON, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2024)