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Majority merging by adaptive counting., and . Synthese, 165 (2): 203-223 (2008)Information and Knowledge, A Constructive Type-theoretical Approach. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science Springer, (2008)A logic of efficient and optimal designs.. J. Log. Comput., 29 (6): 947-968 (2019)Data Quality Dimensions for Fair AI., and . AEQUITAS@ECAI, volume 3808 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2024)Alleged Assassins: Realist and Constructivist Semantics for Modal Modification., and . TbiLLC, volume 7758 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 94-114. Springer, (2011)Robust Model Checking with Imprecise Markov Reward Models., , , and . ISIPTA, volume 147 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 299-309. PMLR, (2021)A Multi-Modal Dependent Type Theory for Representing Data Accessibility in a Network.. PSPL@LICS, volume 12 of EPiC Series in Computing, page 17-22. EasyChair, (2010)A Granular Approach to Source Trustworthiness for Negative Trust Assessment., and . IFIPTM, volume 563 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 108-121. Springer, (2019)A Framework for Trustworthiness Assessment based on Fidelity in Cyber and Physical Domains., and . ANT/SEIT, volume 52 of Procedia Computer Science, page 996-1003. Elsevier, (2015)BRIOxAlkemy: a Bias Detecting Tool., , , , , , and . BEWARE@AI*IA, volume 3615 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 44-60., (2023)