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Some results on relational algebra. 335. MBLE, (1976)A Transaction Model for XML Databases, , и . World Wide Web, 7 (1): 29--57 (2004)On the expressibility of functions in XQuery fragments, , , и . Information Systems, 33 (4-5): 435--455 (2008)Expressive Power of XQuery Node Construction, , , , и . 05-17. University of Antwerp, (2005)Liber Amicorum Frans Kruseman. глава Alfred Tarski, David Hilbert en Spatial Databases, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1995)On the Decomposition of Join Dependencies, и . Advances in Computing Research, (1986)The Theory of Databases.Transitive dependencies in a database scheme. Rairi Informatique, 24 (2): 149--163 (1980)The translation of relational data base languages to hierarchical languages, и . 7. Jahrestagung der Geselschaft Fur Informatik Nurnberg, (1977)Horizontal Decompositions, и . XP2 Congres, June 1981, State University of Pennsylvania, (1981)Basic Results in Information Processing. Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique Belge, (1988)