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Online-Handelsplattformen als verteilte Systeme am Beispiel einer Reverse-Pricing-Plattform., и . Berliner XML Tage, стр. 175-186. XML-Clearinghouse, (2004)The Context Matters: Predicting the Number of In-game Actions Using Traces of Mobile Augmented Reality Games., , , , и . MUM, стр. 25-35. ACM, (2018)Prestige Goods and Social Status in Virtual Worlds., , и . ICIS, стр. 190. Association for Information Systems, (2010)The pricing of grid services in enterprises: deriving pay-per-use tariffs from preference data., и . ECIS, (2011)Simulative and Game-Theoretical Approaches for Strategic Behavior in Name-Your-Own-Price Markets.. PACIS, стр. 53. AISeL, (2007)Zahlungsbereitschaft für elektronische Signaturen., и . Wirtschaftsinformatik (1), стр. 163-180. Universitaetsverlag Karlsruhe, (2007)2D versus 3D Visualizations in Decision Support - The Impact of Decision Makers' Perceptions., , и . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2015)The Impact of Social Networks on Inter-Organizational Effectiveness: The Case of IPO Deal Networks., и . ECIS, стр. 2076-2087. (2008)Call for Papers, Issue 5/2023., , и . Bus. Inf. Syst. Eng., 63 (4): 479-481 (2021)"K.I.T.T., where are you?": why smart assistance systems in cars enrich people's lives., , , , , и . UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, стр. 1120-1132. ACM, (2019)