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A contextualized educational museum experience connecting objects, places and themes through mobile virtual museums., , , and . DigitalHERITAGE (1), page 337-340. IEEE, (2015)Muntermacher - "Think and Move" Interface and Interaction Design of a Motion-Based Serious Game for the Generation Plus., , and . HCI (6), volume 6766 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 149-158. Springer, (2011)SpectralSplatsViewer: An Interactive Web-Based Tool for Visualizing Cross-Spectral Gaussian Splats., , , and . Web3D, page 22:1-22:10. ACM, (2024)Virtual Reality Based Space Operations - A Study of ESA's Potential for VR Based Training and Simulation., , , , , and . HCI (9), volume 10909 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 438-451. Springer, (2018)Augmented Reality Views: Discussing the Utility of Visual Elements by Mediation Means in Industrial AR from a Design Perspective., , , , and . HCI (10), volume 10910 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 298-312. Springer, (2018)3D Interactive Augmented Reality in Early Stages of Product Design., , , and . HCI (4), page 1203-1207. Lawrence Erlbaum, (2003)Measurement Based AR for Geometric Validation Within Automotive Engineering and Construction Processes., , , , , , , and . HCI (11), volume 12191 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 154-165. Springer, (2020)SpectralGaussians: Semantic, spectral 3D Gaussian splatting for multi-spectral scene representation, visualization and analysis., , and . CoRR, (2024)Towards a Common Implementation Framework for Online Virtual Museums., , , and . HCI (10), volume 8013 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 321-330. Springer, (2013)DeepMaterialInsights: A Web-based Framework Harnessing Deep Learning for Estimation, Visualization, and Export of Material Assets from Images., , , and . Web3D, page 24:1-24:5. ACM, (2024)