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On the Stationary State of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Sensory Mapping, и . Biological Cybernetics, (1986)"Neural-Gas" Network for Vector Quantization and its Application to Time-Series Prediction, , и . IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, (1993)Self-Organizing Maps and Adaptive Filters, , и . Physics of Neural Networks, Springer, Berlin; New York, (1990)A ``Neural Gas'' Network Learns Topologies, и . Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks 1991 (Espoo, Finland), стр. 397--402. Amsterdam; New York: North-Holland, (1991)Convergence Properties of Kohonen's Topology Conserving Maps: Fluctuations, Stability and Dimension Selection, и . Biological Cybernetics, (1988)3D-Neural-Net for Learning Visuomotor-Coordination of a Robot Arm, , и . Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (Washington, DC), Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, (1989)Topology Representing Networks, и . Neural Networks, (in press)Storing Sequences of Biased Patterns in Neural Networks, и . Neural Computers, Springer, Berlin; New York, (1988)