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Towards Efficient Path Query on Social Network with Hybrid RDF Management.

, , , , and . APWeb, volume 8709 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 525-532. Springer, (2014)

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Towards Efficient Path Query on Social Network with Hybrid RDF Management., , , , and . APWeb, volume 8709 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 525-532. Springer, (2014)Optimization of Berth Shore Bridge Allocation Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm., and . SPIoT (1), volume 1282 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 599-606. Springer, (2020)Fractional Order Modeling and Internal Model Control of Dielectric Elastomer Actuator., , and . ASCC, page 1068-1072. IEEE, (2022)Differential-Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced Round ChaCha., , , and . IACR Trans. Symmetric Cryptol., 2024 (2): 166-189 (2024)People-centered Computing Within Limits: System Thinking on Interventions of Internet Platforms., , and . ICCBDC, page 16-20. ACM, (2019)Near-Optimal Energy-Efficient Algorithm for Virtual Network Function Placement., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput., 10 (1): 553-567 (2022)Counterfactual Editing for Search Result Explanation., , , , and . CoRR, (2023)RankMamba, Benchmarking Mamba's Document Ranking Performance in the Era of Transformers.. CoRR, (2024)Automated Generation of Security-Centric Descriptions for Smart Contract Bytecode., , , , and . ISSTA, page 1244-1256. ACM, (2023)CFE2: Counterfactual Editing for Search Result Explanation., , , , and . ICTIR, page 145-155. ACM, (2024)