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A comparison of neural network and nearest-neighbor classifiers of handwritten lower-case letters.

, , und . ICNN, Seite 1618-1621. IEEE, (1993)

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A comparison of neural network and nearest-neighbor classifiers of handwritten lower-case letters., , und . ICNN, Seite 1618-1621. IEEE, (1993)Implementation of massively parallel genetic algorithms on the MasPar MP-1., , und . SAC, Seite 1015-1020. ACM, (1992)Closing the Feedback Loop: An Interactive Voice Response System to Provide Follow-up and Feedback in Primary Care Settings., , , , , , , und . J. Medical Systems, 37 (2): 9905 (2013)Optimization is easy and learning is hard in the typical function.. CEC, Seite 924-931. IEEE, (2000)No more lunch: analysis of sequential search.. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Seite 227-234. IEEE, (2004)Evaluation of Evolutionary and Genetic Optimizers: No Free Lunch.. Evolutionary Programming, Seite 163-169. MIT Press, (1996)How do features of Electronic Health Records Impact Prescription of Nicotine Replacement Therapy?, , , , , , und . HICSS, Seite 1-5. ScholarSpace / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), (2017)A grammatical approach to reducing the statistical sparsity of language models in natural domains., und . ICASSP, Seite 1141-1144. IEEE, (1986)Telephone Follow-Up in Primary Care: Can Interactive Voice Response Calls Work?, , , , , , , , und . MedInfo, Volume 192 von Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Seite 112-116. IOS Press, (2013)Some Geometric and Algebraic Results on Crossover.. Evolutionary Programming, Volume 1213 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 285-296. Springer, (1997)