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DEVS modelling and simulation of a multi-paradigm modelling tool., и . SummerSim, стр. 3:1-3:12. ACM, (2018)Modular synthesis of mobile device applications from domain-specific models., и . MOMPES, стр. 21-28. ACM, (2010)Teaching the fundamentals of the modelling of cyber-physical systems., и . SpringSim (TMS-DEVS), стр. 5. ACM, (2016)The experiment model and validity frame in M&S., , , , и . SpringSim (TMS), стр. 10:1-10:12. ACM, (2017)A testing framework for DEVS formalism implementations., , , , и . SpringSim (TMS-DEVS), стр. 183-188. SCS/ACM, (2011)Model-Based Design of Computer-Controlled Game Character Behavior., , и . MoDELS, том 4735 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 650-665. Springer, (2007)Co-Simulation of Continuous Systems: A Hands-on Approach., и . WSC, стр. 1469-1481. IEEE, (2019)Approximated Stability Analysis of Bi-modal Hybrid Co-simulation Scenarios., , , и . SEFM Workshops, том 10729 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 345-360. Springer, (2017)Integrating a neutral action language in a DEVS modelling environment., , , и . SimuTools, стр. 19-28. ICST/ACM, (2015)Automated testing support for reactive domain-specific modelling languages., , , и . SLE, стр. 181-194. ACM, (2016)