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Interactive and Narrative Data Visualisation for Presentation-Based Knowledge Transfer., , и . CSEDU (Selected Papers), том 739 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 237-258. Springer, (2016)SpeeG2: a speech- and gesture-based interface for efficient controller-free text input., и . ICMI, стр. 213-220. ACM, (2013)Indoor Positioning Using the OpenHPS Framework., и . IPIN, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2021)Advanced Authoring of Paper-digital Systems, , , и . Multimedia Tools Appl., 70 (2): 1309--1332 (мая 2014)FidMark: A Fiducial Marker Ontology for Semantically Describing Visual Markers., , и . ESWC (2), том 14665 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 235-250. Springer, (2024)Telephone Interface for Avalanche Warnings based on Information Server for Adaptable Content Delivery, , , и . Proceedings of the First International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Short paper), стр. 99--111. Zurich, (августа 2002)In an informal companion volume of short papers..Semantic eInk - Pen and Paper-based Interaction with the Semantic Desktop, , , , , и . Proc. DAS 2008, Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, Nara, Japan, (сентября 2008)From Proprietary to High-Level Trigger-Action Programming Rules: A Natural Language Processing Approach., и . CoRR, (2023)Enhanced Document Retrieval and Discovery Based on a Combination of Implicit and Explicit Document Relationships., , и . DocEng, стр. 31:1-31:4. ACM, (2019)General framework for the rapid development of interactive paper applications, , и . Proc. CoPADD, 6, стр. 9--12. (2006)Workshop Paper.