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Freeway ramp metering by macroscopic traffic scheduling with particle swarm optimization., , и . CIVTS, стр. 32-37. IEEE, (2013)3D-Model-Based Integrated Capp System for Aircraft Structural Parts., , , и . DET, том 66 из Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, стр. 15-25. Springer, (2009)Motion controller design for a biomimetic robotic fish., , , и . IECON, стр. 2816-2821. IEEE, (2014)Spatial repetitive controller for minimizing circulating harmonic currents in modular multilevel converters for variable frequency applications., , , , и . IECON, стр. 3612-3617. IEEE, (2016)A Wavelet Feature Based Mechanomyography Classification System for a Wearable Rehabilitation System for the Elderly., , и . ICOST, том 7910 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 45-52. Springer, (2013)Nonlinear integral-type sliding surface for both matched and unmatched uncertain systems., и . ACC, стр. 4369-4374. IEEE, (2001)Collision-free motion planning for an Anguilliform robotic fish., , , и . ISIE, стр. 1268-1273. IEEE, (2012)Mimicry of fish swimming patterns in a robotic fish., , , и . ISIE, стр. 1274-1279. IEEE, (2012)Delay-dependent stability and stabilizability of uncertain jump bilinear stochastic systems with mode-dependent time-delays., , и . Int. J. Systems Science, 36 (5): 275-285 (2005)Generation undulatory locomotion of C. elegans in A crawling robot via biomimetic learning., , и . ICCA, стр. 593-598. IEEE, (2016)