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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Typosquatting and Combosquatting Attacks on the Python Ecosystem., , , , und . EuroS&P Workshops, Seite 509-514. IEEE, (2020)LastPyMile: identifying the discrepancy between sources and packages., , , , und . ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, Seite 780-792. ACM, (2021)Bad Snakes: Understanding and Improving Python Package Index Malware Scanning., , und . ICSE, Seite 499-511. IEEE, (2023)On the feasibility of detecting injections in malicious npm packages., , , und . ARES, Seite 115:1-115:8. ACM, (2022)Preliminary findings on FOSS dependencies and security: a qualitative study on developers' attitudes and experience., , und . ICSE (Companion Volume), Seite 284-285. ACM, (2020)A Benchmark Comparison of Python Malware Detection Approaches., , und . CoRR, (2022)APR4Vul: an empirical study of automatic program repair techniques on real-world Java vulnerabilities., , , , und . Empir. Softw. Eng., 29 (1): 18 (Februar 2024)Mac-A-Mal: macOS malware analysis framework resistant to anti evasion techniques., , und . J. Comput. Virol. Hacking Tech., 15 (4): 249-257 (2019)py2src: Towards the Automatic (and Reliable) Identification of Sources for PyPI Package.. ASE, Seite 1394-1396. IEEE, (2021)A Qualitative Study of Dependency Management and Its Security Implications., , und . CCS, Seite 1513-1531. ACM, (2020)