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Justifying the Value of Open Source., , and . ECIS, page 122. (2012)Social Media As Management Fashion - A Discourse Perspective., , , and . ECIS, page 209. (2013)The Influence of Cultural Values on Organizational Agility., , , and . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2019)How co-creation supports digital innovation in automotive startups., , , and . ECIS, (2021)Experiencing Expectations: Extending the Concept of UX Anticipation., , , , and . SCIS, volume 326 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, page 1-13. Springer, (2018)The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence for Developing Autonomous Social Robots within Health Information Systems., , , , and . TEXT2KG/BiKE@ESWC, volume 3447 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 34-50., (2023)On the way to anticipated car UX., , , , and . NordiCHI, page 494-504. ACM, (2018)A Historical Account of the Value of Free and Open Source Software: From Software Commune to Commercial Commons., , and . OSS, volume 365 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 196-207. Springer, (2011)Strategizing in Digital Application Marketplaces., , and . ACIS, page 81. (2018)How startups utilize organizational adaptability in digital innovation., and . HICSS, page 1-10. ScholarSpace, (2022)