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Lexical organization of nouns and verbs in the brain, и . Nature, (1991)Representation of grammatical knowledge in the brain, и . Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 7 (3): 396–407-- (1995)"I know it but I can't write it": Selective deficits in long- and short-term memory, и . Broken memories: Neuropsychological case studies, Blackwell, London, (1995)The role of representations in cognitive theory: More on multiple semantics and the agnosias, , и . Cognitive Neuropsychology, 10 (3): 235–249-- (1993)The multiple semantics hypothesis: Multiple confusions?, , , и . Cognitive Neuropsychology, 7 (3): 161–189-- (1990)The disruption of sentence production: Some dissociations, и . Brain and Language, (1989)When a rose is a rose in speech but a tulip in writing, , и . Cortex, (1999)Neural substrates of the cognitive processes underlying spelling: Evidence from MR diffusion and perfusion imaging, , , , , , и . Aphasiology, (2002)The reading process and its disorders, и . Cognitive neuropsychology in clinical practice, Oxford University Press, New York, (1992)Dissociable coordinate frames of unilateral spatial neglect: "Viewer-centered" neglect, , , и . Brain and Cognition, (1998)