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Guest editorial for the special issue on source code analysis and manipulation, SCAM 2012., , и . J. Softw. Evol. Process., 26 (6): 531-532 (2014)Toward In-Vivo Testing of Mobile Applications., , , , , и . ISSRE Workshops, стр. 137-143. IEEE, (2019)POSTER: A Measurement Framework to Quantify Software Protections., , , и . CCS, стр. 1505-1507. ACM, (2014)Towards Reverse Engineering of Industrial Physical Processes., , , , и . CyberICPS/SECPRE/SPOSE/CPS4CIP/CDT&SECOMAN/EIS/SecAssure@ESORICS, том 13785 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 273-290. Springer, (2022)Experimental comparison of features and classifiers for Android malware detection., , , и . MOBILESoft@ICSE, стр. 50-60. ACM, (2020)Search Based Clustering for Protecting Software with Diversified Updates., , , , и . SSBSE, том 9962 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 159-175. (2016)OBLIVE: Seamless Code Obfuscation for Java Programs and Android Apps., , и . SANER, стр. 629-633. IEEE, (2019)An empirical study on the usefulness of Conallen's stereotypes inWeb application comprehension., , , , и . WSE, стр. 58-68. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Are fit tables really talking?: a series of experiments to understand whether fit tables are useful during evolution tasks., , , , , и . ICSE, стр. 361-370. ACM, (2008)Migrating Object Oriented code to Aspect Oriented Programming.. ICSM, стр. 497-498. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)