FUNIBER is an institution that supports social development through agreements and projects and by participating in activities in the following areas: academic, scientific, and research, along with cooperation, development and economic growth. This is accomplished through its close ties with universities and professional institutions. The overall mission is to provide students with a global education while at the same time respecting individual identities.
Since the release of the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education,1 academic libraries have implemented a wide range of initiatives and programs. Formats range from traditional library instruction that integrates information literacy concepts in “one shot” sessions to credit-bearing courses that are librarian led and offer course or discipline specific instruction. Delivery modes also range from face-to-face to online instruction. Increasingly, student assessment and indicators related to program impact have become the focus of ongoing discussions. Guidelines such as the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Standards for Libraries in Higher Education,2 Guidelines for Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries3 and The Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report4 offer direction related to student assessment and defining program impacts. These documents also reflect a recognition that information literacy and library instruction programs are varied in response to institutional needs
Contribuye a la promoción y desarrollo del futuro de la lengua francesa en el contexto de la diversidad cultural. Se centra principalmente en enriquecer las relaciones entre los francófonos y francófilos de Quebec , Canadá y las Américas. Por eso fomenta los intercambios , las asociaciones y el desarrollo de redes de habla francesa.