Now is the time for action, not for a comfort blanket. There's always time afterwards for that. Repairing a relationship after a case of cheating will require convincing your husband that you are worthy of his trust. It isn't easy, isn't comfortable, but with a sprinkling of courage and motivation it is possible. This article…
Quattrociocchi, W., & Paolucci, M. (accepted). Reputation and Uncertainty. A fairly optimistic society when cheating is total. In ICORE 2009. Gargonza, Italy.
N. Kopal, O. Kieselmann, and A. Wacker. 1st International Workshop on Signal Processing for Secure Communications (SP4SC-2015), held in conjunction with 3rd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2015), Rome, Italy, (aug to appear)