Foldera is the new way to: Communicate with others in context Secure your vital information instantly Access and Manage your applications, teams, activities and information from wherever you are Notify everyone at the same time when something changes Shar
Foldera is the new way to: Communicate with others in context Secure your vital information instantly Access and Manage your applications, teams, activities and information from wherever you are Notify everyone at the same time when something changes Shar
My primary research interests are concentrated in the areas of bioinformatics, data mining, and parallel processing, and from time-to-time I look at various problems in the areas of information retrieval, collaborative filtering, and electronic design aut
Meatball is a community of active practitioners striving to teach each other how to organize people using online tools. Members here are either community managers or are building supporting tools; MeatballOutreach lists some of our affiliated projects. We
What is the role, place and benefits of emergent bottom-up classification?
Tagging is taking hold, if we like it or not., Flick'r, Technorati and other applications are leading the way, showing how user-applied tags can be useful, social and self-maintaining. This interview cove
Qube v2 centers around the concept of browserless search , blending third generation websearch capabilities with user collaboration, free advertising & social networking .
Collaborative tagging describes the process by which many users add metadata in the form of keywords to shared content. Recently, collaborative tagging has grown in popularity on the web, on sites that allow users to tag bookmarks, photographs and other content. In this paper we analyze the structure of collaborative tagging systems as well as their dynamical aspects. Specifically, we discovered regularities in user activity, tag frequencies, kinds of tags used, bursts of popularity in bookmarking and a remarkable stability in the relative proportions of tags within a given url. We also present a dynamical model of collaborative tagging that predicts these stable patterns and relates them to imitation and shared knowledge.