The Open Definition makes precise the meaning of “open” with respect to knowledge, promoting a robust commons in which anyone may participate, and interoperability is maximized.
We have looked here before at how OCW has shaped education in the last ten years, but in many ways much of the content that has been posted online remains very much “Web 1.0.” That is, while universities have posted their syllabi, handouts, and quizzes online, there has not been — until recently — much “Web 2.0″ OCW resources — little opportunity for interaction and engagement with the material.
But as open educational resources and OCW increase in popularity and usage, there are a number of new resources out there that do offer just that. You probably already know about: Khan Academy and Wikipedia, for example. But in the spirit of 10 years of OCW, here’s a list of 10 cool OER and OCW resources that you might not know about, but should know:
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Gunjal, and Bhojaraju. Proceedings of International Conference on What Next in Libraries (WNL-2K15), January 21-23, Silchar, NIT Silchar, Assam, (2015)
R. Aviv, Z. Erlich, and G. Ravid. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. Proceedings, page 145 -- 149. (July 2003)
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M. Bax, and F. Parreiras. Proceedings of the 2nd Brazilian Congress on Knowledge Management
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