It's more challenging than ever to handle all aspects of content management internally. In this podcast, Firebrand Technologies founder and president Fran Toolan addresses a myriad of content management issues.
Neu ist die Erkenntnis nicht, dass wir alle, die wir Facebook, Twitter und andere Dienste mit Inhalten bestücken, diesen Diensten im Grunde Geld schenken. Geld, das sie aus Anzeigenverkäufen und
Tupelo is a data and metadata management system based on semantic web technologies. Tupelo provides a variety of generic utilities for managing data and metadata using both best-of-breed semantic database implementations such as Jena and Sesame, as well as ordinary storage technologies such as flat files. Tupelo makes data and metadata portable across a variety of Contexts and deployment scenarios, including desktop applications, web-based applications, and more complex distributed architectures. Its use of global identification and explicit semantics means that metadata created and managed with Tupelo can be easily exported and used by a wide variety of RDF-aware tools and technologies.