by Michael Keane, Feb 1 2020. China is intent on consolidating a digital civilization; which has widespread implications for industry, governance, population management, and international relations.
This review aims to develop new insights about cultural activism as a means of claiming space and building place-identities in communities. As this is an under-explored area of research and scholarship, the review will build a foundation and conceptual framework for future research.
This article explores the complex interrelationships between and culture, between teachers' sociocultural identities and practices, and between their explicit discussions of culture modes of cultural transmission.
about whether it is necessary to worry about cultural differences in transferral of information in content-based education where English is not the mother tongue
NHL begins domestic violence and sexual assault training After a series of high-profile incidents across sports, the NHL has joined other professional leagues in mandating domestic violence, sexual assault and sexual harassment training for all of its players
Slavoj ZiZek i Information (urspr. Le Monde diplomatique oktober 2014): Sjældent er den multikulturalistiske antiracismes fallit blevet så tydeligt udstillet som med afsløringen af den konsekvente fortielse af pakistanske pædofiles mangeårige overgreb på skolepiger i en midtengelsk provinsby
GW Bush 20 Sept 2001: "“And one of the great goals of this nation's war is to restore public confidence in the airline industry and to tell the traveling public, get on board, do your business around the country, fly and enjoy America's great destination spots. Go down to Disney World in Florida, take your families and enjoy life the way we want it to be enjoyed.”
Pasi Saukkonen (politiikan tutkija, työskentelee johtajana Kulttuuripoliittisen tutkimuksen edistämissäätiön ylläpitämässä tutkimuskeskuksessa, joka tunnetaan nimellä Cupore), elokuussa 2015:
"Kansanedustaja Olli Immosen Facebook-viesti synnytti kiihkeän keskustelun. Osallistujat puhuivat kuitenkin usein toistensa ohi. Monikulttuurisuudella tarkoitettiin eri asioita. Helsingin Sanomien toimittaja Kristiina Markkanen tekikin lauantaiesseessään (1.8.) hyvän ehdotuksen. Olisi tärkeätä erottaa toisistaan monikulttuurisuuden politiikka ja monikulttuurisuus väestöllisenä tosiasiana. Monikulttuurisuus yhteiskunnan etnisenä ja kulttuurisena monimuotoisuutena ei ole painajainen eikä rikkaus. Se on Euroopan maiden normaali olotila, johon…"
"Tarkempaan analyysiin asiasta voi tutustua esimerkiksi kirjassani Erilaisuuksien Suomi (Gaudeamus 2013)."
Computer science as a field requires curricular guidance, as new innovations are filtered into teaching its knowledge areas at a rapid pace. Furthermore, another trend is the growing number of students with different cultural backgrounds. These developments require taking into account both the differences in learning styles and teaching methods in practice in the development of curricular knowledge areas. In this paper, an intensive collaborative teaching concept, Code Camp, is utilized to illustrate the effect of learning styles on the success of a course. Code Camp teaching concept promotes collaborative learning and multiple skills and knowledge in a single course context. The results indicate that Code Camp as a concept is well liked, increases motivation to learn and is suitable for both intuitive and reflective learners. Furthermore, it appears to provide interesting creative challenges and pushes students to collaborate and work as a team. In particular, the concept also promotes intuition.
"satire" October 2014
"Boko Haram have thanked Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai for her role in helping mediate a landmark ceasefire deal between the group and the Nigerian army.
Nigerian media announced on Friday that the militant group, which has been responsible for the deaths of thousands of people since 2009, had reached an agreement with the Nigerian army, which would include the release of the estimated 200 schoolgirls abducted earlier this year.
“Malala appeared to our leader [Abubakar Shekau] in a dream and said that kidnapping girls was not the answer,” an unnamed spokesperson said on a video released by the group.
“We will go back to focusing on restricting boys education, because there is less stress in that industry,” he said."