While they weren’t brand new cars, Oprah did leave 4500 copies of A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Dan Pink on the chairs of the graduating students she was addressing (Stanford 2008). Why?
The time has come to declare that the beginning of the end for the traditional approach to Information Technology. The party is over. The End of IT 1.0 As We Know It – has begun. To borrow a phrase from my previous IBM colleagues who wrote, “The End of TV As We Know It” with which I became familiar while working on IP Television (IPTV).
La radio y la televisión de México han pretendido erigirse en el curso de 2004 en actores políticos determinantes, y sus dueños y "comunicadores" no se han dado cuenta de que con sus decisiones han estado agrediendo a la mayoría del pueblo, que hoy no tiene alternativa frente a quienes han hecho de lo que debería ser un servicio público un botín político, negándole a los mexicanos el derecho a la información.
J. Rybicki. Quantitative Methods in Corpus-Based Translation Studies: A practical guide to descriptive translation research, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, (2012)