My Functional Programming journey was filled with dead ends, false starts, failed attempts and frustration. And I suspect that I’m not alone in this struggle. So why is this a common problem…
Learn more about how the Rust programming language shares many of the advantages offered by Haskell such as a strong type system, great tooling, polymorphism, immutability, concurrency, and great software testing methodologies. Rust is a good choice when you need to squeeze in extra performance.
I’ve written this article series, to help you get a good sense of how production Haskell is written at a company like Klarna and what to avoid along the road.
This guide will use JavaScript instead of a pure functional programming language (e.g. Haskell) to make things more approachable for developers accustomed to imperative languages. It will, however, assume you have basic knowledge of functional programming, including currying and lambdas.
The 2018 Haskell User Survey shows very high satisfaction with Haskell’s security, quality, reliability, maintainability, and advanced capabilities, writes FP Complete’s CEO Aaron Contorer. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with him about Haskell’s current and future landscape.
Reflex FRP is a composable, cross-platform functional reactive programming framework for Haskell. It allows you to build interactive components in pure functional style, working in harmony with established Haskell techniques and improving the quality and elegance of your applications.
Reflex FRP is a composable, cross-platform functional reactive programming framework for Haskell. It allows you to build interactive components in pure functional style, working in harmony with established Haskell techniques and improving the quality and elegance of your applications.
A double pack: - Jasper talks about Getting things done in Haskell (adapted from his 2017 Haskell eXchange talk ) - Simon and Jasper talk about organizing th...
Screencast of a talk given by Simon Meier at the HaskellerZ Meetup in Zürich on 28 Aug 2014. The blaze-react library uses Facebook's ReactJS library to do ...