narrative+history+pictures+encyclopedia; "safe, fast and fun way to learn the real story behind historic events, famous people, heroic exploits, legends, disasters, movies, plus topics of current and general interest"
a science game: "a virtual Darwinian aquarium .. you initiate a primordial soup, and .. check up on what Virtual Mother Nature is up to - about every 15 min. (or every few days)"
a very large historical archive, often from advertising, "to provide for all levels of possible viewer a visually orientated taxonomy of the ways in which pictures are used to tell stories." unique collection, also useful for many other purposes
many of the past issues were on thematic concerns; ever of greater importance in academic and knowledge communities is the how-to of electronic publishing
photographic exploration of two poor cities, a combination of Walter Benjamin's interest in traces and overlays with systematic, extensive visual ethnography