Metawidget takes your domain objects and automatically creates User Interface components for them, saving you handcoding your UIs and leaving you to concentrate on stitching together your application.
As much as possible, Metawidget does this without introducing new technologies. It inspects, at runtime, an application's existing back-end architecture (such as JavaBeans, annotations, XML configuration files) and creates components native to its existing front-end framework (such as Swing, Java Server Faces, Struts or Android).
Metawidget does not hide the power of your existing User Interface framework from you and guarantees that your investment in its technology and knowledge is as valid as always. The LGPL open source license allows the use of Metawidget in open source and commercial projects.
C. Casey, A. Sutton, and A. Sprintson. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking, page 37--42. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2014)
M. de Miguel. Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems, 2003., page 210--216. IEEE, (January 2003)