The mission of the Object Memory Modeling Incubator Group is to define an object memory format, which allows for modeling of events or other information about individual physical artifacts - ideally over their lifetime - and which is explicitly designed to support data storage of those logs on so-called smart labels attached to the physical artifact.
barcoo is an App which supports allows for scanning barcodes with a mobile phone. It links products in stores with independent consumer information. Examples include product information and assessments, price comparison, test reports, health, and sustainability information.
The Smart-Its project is interested in a far-reaching vision of computation embedded in the world. In this vision, mundane everyday artefacts become augmented as soft media, able to enter into dynamic digital relationships. In our project, we approach this vision with development of "Smart-Its" - small-scale embedded devices that can be attached to everyday objects to augment them with sensing, perception, computation, and communication. We think of these "Smart-Its" as enabling technology for building and testing ubiquitous computing scenarios, and we will use them to study emerging functionality and collective context-awareness of information artefacts.
Welcome to the website of the project SemProM, products keep a diary: smart labels give products a memory and support intelligent logistics. Within the IKT-2020 research program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research the Innovation Alliance “Digital Product Memory” (DPM) is developing key technologies for the Internet of Things in the cooperative project SemProM. By the use of integrated sensors, relations in the production process become transparent and supply chains as well as environmental influences retraceable. The producer gets supported and the consumer better informed about the product.