Part and parcel of an effective Internet marketing strategy is to ensure that your website is also present in the realm of social networks and media sharing. Visitors do not only arrive at websites only through search results, but also through links that their peers share through these social networks.
The Problem
Authors increasingly cite webpages and other digital objects on the Internet, which can "disappear" overnight. In one study published in the journal Science, 13% of Internet references in scholarly articles were inactive after only 27 months. Another problem is that cited webpages may change, so that readers see something different than what the citing author saw. The problem of unstable webcitations and the lack of routine digital preservation of cited digital objects has been referred to as an issue "calling for an immediate response" by publishers and authors [1].
An increasing number of editors and publishers ask that authors, when they cite a webpage, make a local copy of the cited webpage/webmaterial, and archive the cited URL in a system like WebCite®, to enable readers permanent access to the cited material.
TYPOlight ist ein Open Source Content Management System (CMS) für alle, die Wert auf eine professionelle Internetpräsenz legen und diese einfach pflegen möchten. Die moderne Architektur des Systems bietet einen hohen Sicherheitsstandard, erlaubt die Entwicklung suchmaschinenfreundlicher und barrierefreier Webseiten und ist flexibel und kostengünstig erweiterbar. Eine umfangreiche Rechteverwaltung, der Live Update Service, das moderne CSS-Framework und viele von Haus aus integrierte Module (News, Kalender, Formulare etc.) haben TYPOlight in kürzester Zeit zu einem der beliebtesten Systeme am Markt für Open Source CMS gemacht.
Seu website está rápido o bastante ou os seus visitantes vão envelhecer enquanto esperam sua página carregar? Encontre uma resposta prática neste site.