Telos Functional and Integrative Medicine LLC's mission is to provide customized and personalized care for each of our clients. We achieve this by incorporating a systems biology framework into our medical practice. The goal of functional medicine is to address the root causes of each person's sickness to discover how and why an illness develops and to restore health. Functional medicine addresses each person's unique disease indications. Together, with you, we create a dynamic and emergent program focused on your healing and health that is customized, powerful, transformative, and enduring.
At Telos Functional and Integrative Medicine in La Crosse, our goal is to give each of our patients with treatment that is specially tailored to their needs. We achieve this by incorporating a systems biology framework into our medical practice. We are dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive and personalized approach to care that encompasses your mind, body, and spirit. Our dedicated holistic health La Crosse, WI team is committed to empowering individuals like you to achieve optimal wellness through a comprehensive range. Through laboratory testing, we identify your unique deficiencies and toxicities, which provide us with the most pertinent information and increase your likelihood of success
Ce site a été mis en place par l'URFIST de Paris, l'URFIST de Nice, le GRESI de l'ENSSIB et le CCI/CRECI de l'Université Paris 7 en collaboration avec le CCSD qui gère le serveur. L'Archive rassemble des articles dans le domaine des sciences de l'information et de la communication.
DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.
Article paru dans une Revue " La Revue des Sciences de Gestion", Année : 2019, le marché des actions de Beyrouth est-il efficient?, Sophie Nivoix, Mohammad El Hajj.
Dates et versions: hal-02555596 , version 1 (27-04-2020)
Identifiants: HAL Id : hal-02555596 , version 1
DOI : 10.3917/rsg.297.0067
La cotidianeidad y el proceso de integración exponencial que están
teniendo las tecnologías en todos los campos, ha provocado y está provocando
cambios cada vez más significativos en las formas de enseñanza‐aprendizaje.
Dentro de estos cambios se encuentran la utilización cada vez más de las
plataformas de enseñanza como vía de formación a un amplio abanico de usuarios,
desde aquellos que por su ubicación geográfica se encuentran lejos para acceder a
una formación presencial, hasta los que por falta de tiempo, prefieren aprender
desde casa en los ratos libres
The Analytics Workench is a tool for performing different kinds of analyses. It combines a web-based frontend for designing analysis workflows with server-side computation of the designed analysis processes. The workflows are represented using a visual language.
The workbench was designed as an extensible analysis framework. Extensibility includes both the possibility to connect different frontends to the computational backend as well as the possibility to extend the available analysis features. As the workbench is still in development, new analysis features are added regularly.
The version offered here is a demo version, which is restricted to a selection of analysis features from the field of Social Network Analysis. Please be aware that the version offered here is not intended for productive use. Thus created analysis workflows and results may be deleted from time to time without further warning!
As a result of the project, the following two tools have been developed:
SiSOB workbench: This is an analysis tool that has been designed as a knowledge worker’s workbench. Its user interface allows the user to combine different components for data conversion, analysis and visual representation. More information.
Download source code
Download user manual
Access workbench
SiSOB data extractor: This system can be used for information crawling and extraction. It can be feed with either bibliographic data sources, such as Scopus or Web of Knowledge, or crawling information directly from the web through search engines. Its main goal is to extract curricular items from a set of researchers from their full names and expertise area. More information.
Download source code
Access data extractor
SISOB Data Exchange Format:
Download API
SISOB Visualization Tool:
Download visualization tool