a compiler cache. It acts as a caching pre-processor to C/C++ compilers. Caching previous compilations and detecting when the same compilation is being done again. (needs GCC or similar)
tool for creating C or C++ source code from external program resources such as images, text, or data. These resources can be arranged in a tree structure much like a typical file system.
a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C and C++ on GNU/Linux. It has been written for GTK/GNOME and features a number of advanced programming facilities. (same as http://anjuta.org/)
a general purpose monitoring platform. First, at run time, Pandora reads static configuration files either from disk or from the network. Second, if told so, Pandora opens a control socket to which commands can be sent. Pandora provides an API with C++, C and Guile bindings to ease the construction of clients. These commands allow queries of the actual configuration of the platform and to perform arbitrary modifications on it.