Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have opened new educational possibilities for learners around the world. Numerous providers have emerged, which usually have different targets (geographical, topics or language), but most of the research and spotlight has been concentrated on the global providers and studies with limited generalizability.
The big data revolution is an exciting opportunity for universities, which typically have rich and complex digital data on their learners. It has motivated many universities around the world to invest in the development and implementation of learning analytics dashboards (LADs).
XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino Superior a Distância (ESUD) e o V Congresso Internacional de Educação Superior a Distância (CIESUD) 2019, Teresina, Brazil
Martin Ebner hat zusammen mit vielen Kolleginnen und Kollegen im Rahmen einer Arbeitsgruppe des Forums Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria (FNMA) ein Whitepaper zu „Learning Analytics: Einsatz an österreichischen Hochschulen“ erstellt
Talk from SREcon2016 by Brendan Gregg. Video: . "There's limited time for performance ana…
This is a journey through three attempts to improve observability which are used to highlight the difference between "better monitoring" and "observability".
Presentation from Marko Teräs at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning of a national-level learning analytics research and development project funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Student and teacher needs analysis results for LA pilot development and for policy recommendations.
This talk will explore connections between two emerging fields focused on harnessing the potential of data – learning analytics and quantitative ethnography.
Game Learning Analytics (GLA) is the process of applying Learning Analytics techniques to Serious Games in order to get insight about how the game is being used and improve the educational experience.
By collecting and analyzing data, you will begin to paint a picture of what aspects of training are working, where you need to improve, and the steps you need to take to make those improvements
Learning analytics is hot. But are learning dashboards scalable and sustainable solutions for providing actionable feedback to students? Can learning dashboard be applied for feedback at scale? Is learning analytics applicable in more traditional higher education settings?
Begona Nunez-Herran and Kevin Mayles (Data and Student Analytics), Rebecca Ward (Data Strategy and Governance), Prof Bart Rienties & PhD students (Institute of Educational Technology), Prof John Domingue (Knowledge Media Institute) & Dr Thea Herodotou (IET)