The "International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems" (IJCCBS) is a quarterly research journal by Inderscience Publishers. It focuses on engineering and verification of complex computer-based systems (where complex means large, distributed and heterogeneous) in critical applications, with special emphasis on model-based approaches and industrial case-studies. Critical computer-based systems include real-time control, fly/brake-by-wire, on-line transactional and web servers, biomedical apparels, networked devices for telecommunications, environmental monitoring, infrastructure protection, etc.
Business narrative is a set of techniques based on the collection and interpretation of stories collected from a workplace. This technique is most effective when applied to seemingly intractable problems such as culture change, trust, innovation, leadersh
M. Warr, P. Mishra, and B. Scragg. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, page 2304-2308. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), (2019)
H. Joos, J. Bals, G. Looye, K. Schnepper, and A. Varga. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design, page 7-14. (September 2002)